For the first time, this catalog systematically presents the most complete collection of Nuremberg counting tokens (rechenpfennings) related to a special direction - Russika.
The main part of the catalog was Igor Rudenko's own collection of the famous collector of tokens of imperial Russia, as well as tokens from the collections of museums of the world and other private collections. The book presents 173 monuments, systematized and chronologically, starting with tokens with portraits of Peter II and ending with objects with the image of Nicholas I, minted in Nuremberg in the XVIII - XIX centuries. The actual material for the publication is gathered from dozens of archival documents, catalogs and rare books dedicated to the Nuremberg masters and their craft. The book is equipped with a device for searching tokens by legends and images, which greatly facilitates navigation, and a duplicate translation into English and German.
The catalog will find its readers from among museum workers, collectors, keen numismatics, and historians.